Big challenge for Davide Brivio at Alpine: Will he live up to it?

F1 News

17 January 2021 at 13:52
Last update 17 January 2021 at 15:10

Davide Brivio will make the switch to the Alpine Formula One team for the 2021 season. The former Renault team has certainly made strides in 2020, but there are also challenges ahead for Brivio at the team.

"He will be joining a very strong team that executes their Grand Prix weekends very effectively when it comes to racing, but still has much to improve on the technical side," wrote Mark Hughes for The Race.

Team has grown faster than it has evolved

Marcin Budkowski, director of the Alpine F1 team, said just a year ago that he is trying to make the organization more efficient, but that the team is growing faster in size than in method.

"When you grow fast you spend a lot of time attracting the right people. The team has grown extremely fast, but it has not evolved as fast. The structure is based on 450 people, and if you want to apply that same structure to 700 people it just doesn't work," Budkowski said.

Big challenge for Brivio at Alpine

So it will be a big challenge for Brivio to make the team more efficient, in addition to improving the technical side of the team. The access to new technologies is there, but now the team has to make optimal use of them.

In addition, Brivio is used to managing a smaller team in MotoGP, which makes the challenge even greater. He is known for bringing the different departments of the team together in a structured and efficient way. No small challenge, but both Alpine and Brivio will not have taken the step lightly.