Internet surpris après le dévoilement de Red Bull : "Quelle est la différence ?
F1 News

Vendredi après-midi,Red Bull Racing a montré pour la première fois la RB19, avec laquelle ils prendront la piste la saison prochaine. Pour l'instant, de l'extérieur de la voiture, on peut voir peu de différences avec la voiture de la saison dernière, et les fans l'ont aussi remarqué. Sur les médias sociaux, ils ont donc réagi à l'annonce.
#RB18 and #RB19 same WhatsApp group
— El Patricio (@Don_Venom8) February 3, 2023
What is the difference between this and #RB18? Anyway, this is the car @Max33Verstappen is going to win his 3rd championship ! Lets go #RB19
— Oezturk (@MuharremOztrk) February 3, 2023
Also, I feel sorry for those that sat there for an hour to see.... the exact same fucking car #f1 #redbullracing #RB19
— Welchy (@welchy_tv) February 3, 2023
Wow they really broke the bank in the creativity department on this one. #RB19
— Brett Lubkiwski (@BrettLubkiwski) February 3, 2023
Have you ever had a meeting that could have been an email? That was the #RB19 launch show…
— Callum (@Callum_Garner_) February 3, 2023
It makes me laugh everyone is all upset at the #RB19 launch. “The car is the exact same…” These people have obviously not payed attention for a long time as they have barely changed a thing since the RB12
— BS (@bschnides38) February 3, 2023
My thoughts on the #RB19 are irrelevant. We haven’t seen it yet. All we’ve seen is an #RB18 in a slightly updated version of last years frock
— Mike Capener (@IPhotoMike) February 3, 2023
never change a running system. #RB19 #redbullracing @redbullGER
— Kamil (@Luckerbrah) February 3, 2023