Marko doesn't take Hamilton seriously: 'Shows who he really sees as a danger'

F1 News

29 April 2021 at 20:06
Last update 29 April 2021 at 21:52

Formula 1 is gearing up for the ultimate duel between Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen in 2021. After years of Mercedes dominance there finally seems to be a driver and a team that can beat them. According to Helmut Marko Hamilton is doing everything in his power to make his opponent small.

"Hamilton's psychological games are ricocheting off Max", Helmut Marko said on the subject to For example, a few weeks ago Hamilton told us that he considered Sebastian Vettel to be his biggest challenger of his career, which would indirectly downplay the danger of Verstappen.

"You shouldn't take that seriously," says Marko. "It just shows who Lewis really sees as a danger. Max knows that and that only makes him stronger and more confident." In the Austrian's eyes, then, there is a clear turning point visible in Hamilton's driving.

Marko sees Hamilton making more mistakes

Hamilton's fear of losing his position as absolute number one was evident at the start in Imola, according to Marko, when he refused to take his loss, ruining his race in the process. "I hope that trend continues. In any case, we will do everything we can to keep the pressure up," Marko said.