Marko believes in world title: 'We are now at Mercedes' level'

F1 News

9 March 2021 at 07:24
Last update 9 March 2021 at 08:41

Red Bull Racing has been trailing Mercedes for seven years, but in 2021 the team should finally be able to go on the attack. According to Helmut Marko, his team has never been so ready, and Honda has also made an important move.

Since the hybrid era began in 2014, Mercedes have won every world title in Formula 1. Red Bull, which won four world titles before that, rarely came close to the Germans. In the final year of the partnership with Honda, the attack must come, although Marko calls their opponent the favourite.

Chasing Mercedes

''The preparation for this season is the best we have had in the last seven years. Our goal is the world title and even as outsiders we can take it. The all-new engine from Honda is a beautiful piece of work. Honda has found more performance for 2021, and taken out the weaknesses,'' Marko told Servus TV.

''All in all, this improvement in the engine should ensure that we are on the level of Mercedes. However, we know they don't sleep, so I hope their leap is not so big now that their engine is already in its eighth year. That development curve has to start levelling off somewhere. I am confident about the Honda engine. There were some problems in the preparation, but that was due to sloppiness. It was nothing that would indicate serious mechanical or electronic problems.''

Will Verstappen stay?

Marko is well aware that it is an important season for his team. In 2022 the new regulations come into effect, and at Mercedes, all drivers are without a contract. If Red Bull can't deliver again, the team might lose Max Verstappen to their rivals. However, Marko is confident they can prevent that from happening.

''We don't need to take any legal steps to prevent Mercedes from luring Verstappen away from us. We just have to give Max a car he can win with, and compete for the world title with. If we manage to do that, there will be nothing to stop us working together for a long time'', the Austrian concludes.