Haas must above all show flexibility with Schumacher's car

F1 News

5 March 2021 at 11:19

With his debut in Formula 1, Mick Schumacher steps into a similar seat to that of his legendary father. Of course, the German driver has the goal to end up on the podium in this class, just like in Formula 2, and preferably on the highest step. From Haas, this will require the following in the coming year with the VF-21.

A flexible car

Schumacher is not a very aggressive driver but excels in his calculating driving behaviour. He adapts to the field and takes his time to reach the top. Haas can respond to this by teaching him the tricks of the trade and showing him around next year's car. What will be especially important here is the flexibility of the car. Schumacher switches quickly and must be able to seize opportunities quickly.

What is striking for Schumacher is that the driver always needs to get up to speed. In the first year, for example, he did not win any prizes in a class but rose above everything and everyone. With a fresh seat in Formula 1, the German driver will probably first have to get used to his new environment. Haas is already used to a Ferrari engine, having previously tested for the Italian racing stable.

Tyre management to enjoy

Schumacher, like Red Bull driver Max Verstappen, has an excellent feeling for tyre management. During Formula 2 he knew how to handle his tyres very well and he takes that with him to F1. This is something that Haas does not have to worry about next season and the season after, leaving room for other elements to focus on.

Whether Haas will show flexibility next season and give Schumacher the chance to go through the established order like a wrecking ball remains to be seen. It has already been indicated that the development of the car will not be continued before 2021 and that more attention will be paid to the VF-22 that must come into action in 2022.

This article was written and originally published by Tim on the Dutch edition of GPblog.com.