Hamilton did not go full throttle due to cramps: 'No idea how I got it done'

F1 News

25 October 2020 at 15:44
Last update 25 October 2020 at 15:47

After a difficult start, Lewis Hamilton apparently drove easily to his 92nd victory in Formula 1. In the car, however, it was quite a fight to keep that up. He explains exactly what happened to Ziggo Sport.

“I don't really know how I did it today. I've been studying a lot this weekend. This is a really difficult job, especially with the track temperature and the slippery conditions. Everyone had a problem with that and I knew that would be the key today," Hamilton said. 

“Actually, I already knew that yesterday when I made changes to the set-up. I then prepared more for the race than for qualifying. And today it was just really hard. I lost positions and then had to get the tyres up to temperature, which was really not easy."

Hamilton in combat with the elements

Once he got temperature in the tyres, Hamilton was able to attack. He calls it special that he managed to keep his tyres intact at the same time. “I really felt that I could go to a different level”. After that, however, he started to suffer from cramps in his right calf.

“You have to put a lot of pressure with your right foot and I just screwed something up. I just had to hitchhike several times to try and shake it out, but that didn't work and just had to keep going," Hamilton concludes