
Brawn: "The cold temperatures at Spa will not have helped Ferrari either"

31 August 2020 at 14:14
Last update 31 August 2020 at 15:44

For Ferrari, the Belgian Grand Prix was a race to be quickly forgotten. With thirteenth and fourteenth place, the Italian team scored zero points, despite winning the race last year. Ross Brawn himself also sees the big fall that the team has made, but he also expects them to get over it again in Maranello.

I’ve been in a situation like Ferrari have found themselves in at Spa, where you don’t get tyres to work, the temperature doesn’t come and the drop off in performance is dramatic," Brawn starts at “Regardless of what people say about the deficit they may have with the engine following the technical clarifications, you don’t lose 1.3s per lap from one year to next in that metric alone.”

Hoping for improvements

They just couldn’t get the tyres in the zone. The fact it was colder at Spa would not have helped either," explains Brawn. He does not expect the agreement between Ferrari and the FIA to make the big difference.

Brawn himself doesn't like the fact that Ferrari is so far behind and hopes for improvement. "When that happens, the performance drops off and looks horrific. If they can make that step and get the tyres working properly again, I think the performance will snap back in. They still won’t look race-winning, but it will become more respectable," Brawn concludes.