After two years, Lewis Hamilton confirms he's rapper XNDA

F1 News

29 July 2020 at 14:45
Last update 29 July 2020 at 14:45

Two years ago Christina Aguilera released the song 'Pipe' and on this song you could hear a rapper named XNDA. Until now, however, it was not clear who exactly this rapper was, but rumors were going around that it was Lewis Hamilton. Now two years later we know for sure: Lewis Hamilton is indeed XNDA.

Hamilton is XDNA

Via Instagram, the six-time world champion now shares a long message in which he indicates to be rapper XNDA. Hamilton has been writing and recording music for ten years, but officially he has never released anything under his own name. It's no secret that Hamilton likes music and he's capable enough to make it into a track by Aguilera.

"I had this incredibly beautiful and talented person reach out to me a while back asking for me to be on her album, I was so blown away and I jumped at the opportunity. I had two houers to write the short verse and record", Hamilton writes in his message.

"The goal was to have the music come out under a different name so that you could hear the music first and later know it was me but it didn't work out the way id planned. I shied away from acknowledging it was me, I don't know why, maybe Insecurities, fear, overthinking, something I think many people can relate to."

"Well I want to say that XNDA is me," said the Formula 1 driver of Mercedes. The number in question, in case you don't know it, below.