F1 News

Wurz: ''Formula 1 is the first sport that can start again''

7 April 2020 at 07:32
  • GPblog.com

Just like the rest of the world, sports fans have to wait a while before everything can go on again. However, according to Alexander Wurz, Formula 1 fans might get lucky.

Formula 1 may be the first

Where most major events had already been cancelled, the Formula 1 circus simply left for Australia for a race on the Melbourne circuit. However, this was cancelled at the very last moment, but according to Wurz the F1 can start again first. The Austrian states that the F1 is a fairly individual sport.

''Formula 1 could organise races without fans, but of course it is already an individual sport. Everybody is wearing helmets and gloves, even the mechanics at a pit stop. Jet are therefore not very close to each other and I think F1 can start again as one of the first'', says the former F1 driver.

Wait a bit longer anyway

However, it seems to forget that hundreds of people on the paddock alone are needed to start and follow F1. Furthermore, organizers depend on the income of the fans, so they will not like to organize a race without an audience.

''We certainly have to wait weeks or even months before the health of the world is at a level that we can race again. So for the time being there will be a period in which we can't look at sports yet,'' concludes Wurz opposite ORF.