Lammers: ''The fans are still hoping for races, but first let's overcome the virus

Red Bull Content Pool

F1 News

24 March 2020 at 07:31

With the postponed Azerbaijan Grand Prix, eight races have already been postponed or cancelled for the 2020 Formula 1 season by the coronavirus. However, the question is, will there still be a season at all?

Postponed Grands Prix no drama

The men of RTL GP Slipstream also asked themselves that question after the many cancelled races. The Dutch Grand Prix has been postponed as well, but the question is of course whether it can be overtaken at all. Therefore Allard Kalff and Kees van der Grint immediately decided to call Jan Lammers, the Boss of the Dutch GP.

''I don't want to call it a drama, because in that respect it is only a cancelled sporting event. It's annoying and bad luck, but the real drama is the virus. This virus just determines everything. We don't have anything in hand and we just have to listen to the experts, that's all we can do'', says Lammers.

Is there still an F1 championship possible in 2020?

Can the F1 season actually still take place in 2020? ''Of course, the fans are hoping that we might be able to race again in August, but first you have to see what the virus is doing to the whole world. Can people from Italy suddenly travel freely and you have to want it when so many people have to fight physically or financially to stay afloat'', Lammers is realistic.

''Is there still a world championship in 2020, I have my doubts about that. Sport is fun, of course, but certainly not a necessity of life. We have to survive that virus first, then get life on the road and then we'll see when we can have a nice big party like Formula 1'', concludes the former Formula 1 driver.