Hamilton angry: "You are irresponsible and selfish''

F1 News

23 March 2020 at 10:14
Last update 23 March 2020 at 10:22
  • GPblog.com

The coronavirus holds the whole world in its grip and many countries are already in a complete lockdown because of the virus. Lewis Hamilton is very annoyed by the people who seem to ignore the rules.

Above all, stay indoors as much as possible and only go out if you really have to. These are the rules that are suggested by the WHO and if you do go outside, keep at least a meter and a half distance from each other. 

On Instagram, Hamilton expressed his amazement for the number of people that are still on the street. ''In this period we have to help each other and not think of ourselves'', Lewis told on his social channels.

Hamilton pulls out

''There are people who still go to clubs, bars and big gatherings. Personally, I find that totally irresponsible and selfish. I pray every day for the health of my family friends and all the people who work hard to keep us safe'', you can read on the British Instagram account.

Throughout Europe, but also in Canada and the USA, the governments already tell people to stay inside as much as possible. Maybe the people who go outside don't get the virus themselves, but by being outside and staying in contact with other people you spread the virus, which can cause more deaths.