F1 News

F1 Social Stint | Online racing does not always turn out to be the ideal option

24 March 2020 at 08:53
Last update 24 March 2020 at 08:53
  • GPblog.com

The Grands Prix of Australia, China, Vietnam, Bahrain, the Netherlands, Spain and Monaco have been cancelled/ postponed, but that should not spoil the fun. The Formula 1 drivers are now filling their time with other things. In F1 Social Stint you'll find everything that keeps drivers and teams busy during the extra break preceding the F1 season.

Online racing does not always turn out to be the ideal option

Monday night Giedo van der Garde found out again why real racing is a lot more fun than online racing. The Dutchman would start Monday during the same race as the one in which Lando Norris and Max Verstappen participated, but an unforeseen error came into the picture with Van der Garde.

Buxton: ''Esports shows that short races work''

Now that no event can take place due to the coronavirus and people all have to stay inside, most drivers have started sim racing. Will Buxton watched the virtual race of Bahrain on Sunday evening and says this is a great example of the success of short races. The lack of on-board radios is not missing the journalist either.