F1 News

Christian Horner predicts more great races in 2021 thanks to new rules!

23 August 2019 at 13:17

Red Bull team boss Christian Horner believes that we could see more crazy races in 2021 when the new rules are implemented, such as the one in Germany, but crucially, in dry weather.

This year's German Grand Prix was manic to say in the least, but this was mostly down to the wet weather causing havoc with slippery run-off areas and safety car involvement.

Horner believes that these sorts of races could become more regular, but with the difference in weather meaning that such races could happen in the dry.

Yesterday we had our first view of what the 2021 cars could look like, with simpler front wings and larger wheels.

Horner told Autosport: "I think so - there may be dry races like Germany's. We saw great races in Austria as well and even in Silverstone.

"The tires play a crucial role in all of them, so having the right tires and proper aerodynamics is going to be important so that pilots can follow each other and fight hard."

Sauber boss Frederic Vasseur echoed Horner's statement, also telling Autosport: "If the distance between the middle and the top teams is mechanically reduced, there will be some races, maybe not 50%, but some in which something similar can happen to what happened in Germany.

"The feeling of having this opportunity would be incredible for teams and spectators."