Hamilton gets medical exemption for non-removable piercings

F1 News

6 May 2022 at 20:24
  • GPblog.com

Lewis Hamilton previously lashed out harshly at the FIA, whose new race directors Niels Wittich and Eduardo Freitas have decided to enforce the rules regarding the wearing of jewelry and piercings. However, it looks like the Mercedes driver will have to comply with the rule.

Hamilton stated that he has two piercings that he cannot take out and was adamant that he had no intention of doing so. He even suggested that he could use a reserve driver from Mercedes then, as there are plenty of them.

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However, the race officials added the requirement to the Scrutineering Declarion Form, which all participants must comply with. Mercedes, therefore, could not complete the document on Hamilton's behalf.

For that, the driver has been granted a medical exemption for this time, as he must have the piercings in question removed. Next time, however, they must be gone, or Hamilton will no longer get away with it with impunity.