Internet reageert: “Masi enige reden dat Hamilton en Mercedes kans maakten”
F1 Nieuws

Ferrari lanceerde donderdag de nieuwe F1-75 voor 2022, maar dat nieuws werd grotendeels overschaduwd door de gelijktijdige aankondiging van de FIA betreffende het vertrek van Michael Masi als wedstrijdleider. Hoe reageerde het internet op het nieuws?
Mercedes-fans uitgelaten met vertrek Masi
Zoals te verwachten is, zijn de reacties verdeeld. Fans van Mercedes en Lewis Hamilton zijn uitgelaten met het nieuws, dat volgens hen bevestigt dat de gebeurtenissen tijdens de Grand Prix van Abu Dhabi niet volgens het reglement verliepen.
Anderen vinden het een teken van zwakte van de FIA, wiens stewards zich in Abu Dhabi juist nog achter Masi schaarden. Zo is de Britse journalist Joe Saward van mening dat het wegsturen van Masi een ‘duidelijk teken zou zijn dat de FIA zwicht onder druk van buitenaf’.
Internetreacties op vertrek Masi als wedstrijdleider
Masi is the only reason Hamilton and Mercedes even had a chance at the championship. I wonder what they'll do without him? @redbullracing number 1 and @ScuderiaFerrari number 2 this season, is now possible.
— We Missed The Exit (@wemissedtheexit) February 17, 2022
*Ferrari want to celebrate 1000th GP*
— F1 Updates (@paddock2go) February 17, 2022
Seb announces he's going to Aston Martin
*Ferrari want to launch their 2022 livery*
FIA announces Masi is out
Enjoy your 4 minutes of fame, Scuderia.
— The Race (@wearetherace) February 17, 2022
The fact so many fans on Twitter have to mention Max as soon as Masi is dropped shows they didn’t want him gone for the good of the sport but instead as an excuse to justify Lewis Hamilton being beaten to the title by Max Verstappen.
— Willseh (@Willseh14) February 17, 2022
Not to mention the new RD..
@F1 just heard the new about the replacing of Michael Masi. Absolutely shocking that he makes 1 call that people are not happy with and gets "sacked". Will be sorry to see him leave
— Ben Thwaites (@Benthwaites87) February 17, 2022
Toto Wolff reacting to Michael Masi's firing:
— Matt Gallagher (@MattyWTF1) February 17, 2022
Yes Michael, yes, yes, Michael that is so right
Michael Masi putting drivers and stewards at risk several times: he STAYS
— Bruno Alves (@brunoalves89) February 17, 2022
Michael Masi doing the most to not finish a race under safety car, angering Mercedes and Lewis Hamilton: he is OUT
I'm sure Masi wasn't the guy pulling the strings, only the instrument through whom the fix took place, so I'll sincerely wish him well.
— Mark the Mariner (@markp5895m) February 17, 2022
We'll never be told who was really behind it.
Masi had to go, and his departure is all the proof we need that this championship was invalid.
So Masi is gone? What exactly does that change?
— David Ritchie (@Davidgoesfaster) February 17, 2022
I understand “why” Michael Masi was removed but no one has answered the question of whether he was allowed to do what he did. I.e. interpret the rules.
— JB Chaykowsky (@jbchaykowsky) February 17, 2022
Difference between the norms of the past and ability to act.#F1
i feel sorry for Masi after getting so much hate and disrespect. he had a very hard job that he tried to fulfil so that mainly the two teams Red Bull and Merc would have equal right according to what has happened
— vanessa (@moonlightvani) February 17, 2022
You should have backed Masi, this is a disgrace
— Michel (@michelvds83x) February 17, 2022
Masi made more calls in favour of Lewis than anyone else so shut it
— Chiçhi (@whiteobah) February 17, 2022
#FIA beslist en #MercedesAMGF1 regeert! Aanfluiting ten top!
— Jans Kleene (@janskleene) February 17, 2022
Wedstrijdleider Masi moet vertrekken na omstreden beslissingen tijdens kampioensrace Max Verstappen