Internet está furioso con Verstappen: 'Esto es infantil por parte de Max'
F1 News

Max Verstappen decidió no dejar pasar a Sergio Pérez al final del Gran Premio de Brasil, a pesar de la orden del equipo Red Bull Racing. Esto no sólo provocó el enfado de su compañero de equipo, sino que la gente en las redes sociales también está arremetiendo contra el holandés.
unworthy of a king #maxverstappen #BrazilianGP #redbullracing
— Denis B. (@Denis_Bl) November 13, 2022
#MaxVerstappen could've just came in last place and literally nothing would have changed for him since he's already WDC and Constructors is also won, the least he could've done was help RB secure 1-2 in WDC, but noooooo. Checo should leave RB. #redbullracing #F1
— Ivan Sicardo (@ivan_sicardo) November 13, 2022
#MaxVerstappen just confirming his place on the sh1t blokes in world sport list. What a guy! @f1_rbr should have shut his car down remotely! #BrazilGP #BrazilianGP #redbullracing
— Tim Kendall (@Kendulkar) November 13, 2022
#MaxVerstappen #F1 #SergioPerez#RedBull #BrazilianGP
— Before (@Before11919) November 13, 2022
This is childish of Max if Checo wasn't his teammate he wasn't a champion Checo is right he helps him for 2 championships and gets nothing in return
#MaxVerstappen terrible attitude!! Team before yourself !! #Checo even worse !! Crash on purpose, you both suck ( for now ) #MercedesAMGF1 good job didn’t think I would ever say that , feel sick hahah
— Robo (@robo20214) November 13, 2022
Poor sportsmanship from Max VerstappenCheco deserves better. #maxverstappen #redbullracing #BrazilianGP #BrasilGP
— DwaNeStaR (@DwaNeStaR) November 13, 2022
Why max why ?????
— MOUNISH (@MOUNISH22172721) November 13, 2022
I'm a huge max Verstappen fan but this is not something I expected from him. #BrazilGP #f1 #MaxVerstappen #SergioPerez
So Max33Verstappen tells #christianhorner to shove it up his ass he’s not a team player and although #perez gave up his race in #abudhabi short fuel to stop #Hamilton he refuses like a spoilt child to help #Checo
— Jason Hawke (@JasonHawke16) November 13, 2022
Is #MaxVerstappen the worse human alive
Sorry #MaxVerstappen - you lost a fan today. It’s an individual sport AND team sport! Remember that. This karma is gonna come back to bite you in the ass in good time.
— Vin Nair "\V/" (@vinsinners) November 13, 2022