F1 News

Internet reagisce con incomprensione dopo il rimprovero a Verstappen: 'Scherzo assoluto'
- GPblog.com
Max Verstappen è riuscito a conquistare la pole position nelle qualifiche del Gran Premio del Giappone, ma in seguito ha dovuto passare dai commissari sportivi per giustificarsi di un incidente con Lando Norris. Il fatto che Verstappen abbia ricevuto solo un'ammonizione alla fine non ha convinto molte persone sui social media.
I honestly think #Verstappen could go around the grid removing wheels from opponents cars and still not get penalised by the FIA. #JapaneseGP #f1 #Formula1
— Joe Baker (@BakerJoe21) October 8, 2022
Verstappen gets away with it again, what a surprise. #F1GP
— Ricky Baldwin (@rickybaldwin69) October 8, 2022
Red bull and Max Verstappen get away with everything including a title steal. Must be nice
— Nil (@nil__cam) October 8, 2022
Verstappen only receives a reprimand, are you kidding me.
— F... Unkonfined (@ItsKingWanga) October 8, 2022
The FIA has not been shy of showing their Bias and outright favouritism towards Max Vasterppen. They really want him to win tomorrow so bad they'll go lengths to preserve his pole advantage.
#Formula1 #JapaneseGP#F1xed
Max Verstappen is an arrogant, ignorant, narcissistic arse and it’s about time @F1 started making him obey the rules
— Jake Kirby (@848Jake) October 8, 2022
Verstappen only getting a reprimand for that is an absolute joke
— Joe (@ThePalaceJoe) October 8, 2022
When the fuck will Max Verstappen get penalised for his actions, I’m sick of him getting away with everything on the track when other drivers would be heavily penalised
— CHANEL (@cfreezle) October 8, 2022
How did Max Verstappen keep pole! Even if it wasn’t deliberate, anyone outside the big three teams would be given a grid penalty. #F1xed #JapaneseGP
— James (@James_Molloy) October 8, 2022
That was a dangerous move by verstappen all day long. You see cars fighting for positions all the time he served and lost control of his car and nearly took lando out. Easily a penalty and he’s got away with it again
— Ellis (@seasideellis) October 8, 2022
I honestly think #Verstappen could go around the grid removing wheels from opponents cars and still not get penalised by the FIA. #JapaneseGP #f1 #Formula1
— Joe Baker (@BakerJoe21) October 8, 2022