F1 News

Internet reagisce in modo critico alla notizia di Honda: "I propulsori Red Bull sono una farsa".
- GPblog.com
Honda ha lasciato il motorsport dopo la vittoria del titolo da parte di Max Verstappen nel 2021, ma ha continuato a supportare la divisione motori di Red Bull Powertrains nella nuova stagione. Ora il marchio giapponese ha confermato ufficialmente che continuerà a supportare la Red Bull Racing fino al 2025. Non tutti su internet hanno reagito con entusiasmo alla notizia.
I tifosi criticano soprattutto il congelamento dello sviluppo dei motori. Questo era il desiderio della Red Bull per poter continuare a guidare con i motori Honda nelle prossime stagioni. Ora che il marchio giapponese rimarrà nello sport fino al 2025, i fan non sono contenti della regola.
Internet reagisce alla collaborazione tra Honda e Red Bull
Honda and their "leaving F1" really pisses me off for no good reason https://t.co/wFHkYYKdi6
— Loreana (@silentmeals) August 2, 2022
So, Honda hasn’t really left F1 at all, in essence https://t.co/GB4FKQerCB
— Andrew Benson (@andrewbensonf1) August 2, 2022
Friendly reminder that engine development isn’t allowed anymore because Honda ‘pulled out’ and RB threatened to go with them https://t.co/xDuKwaRhHU
— Jack (@jfwfc) August 2, 2022
I thought the engine freeze was because Honda were leaving… https://t.co/OHB6i6ercz pic.twitter.com/lsZWeTD5RO
— M (@F144MA) August 2, 2022
This is such a big scam. Remove the engine freeze @fia https://t.co/Uv0AlaTdCL
— Suzie (@DaysofCondor) August 2, 2022
So get rid of the engine freeze then https://t.co/TUkFyanxdt
— MERC (@mercedesintern) August 2, 2022
Daylight cheating https://t.co/8kmhn3GcAy
— | (@RayyLH44) August 2, 2022
This Red Bull Powertrains project is a farce. Red Bull is using Honda engines (which became very good) and will continue to use theme until 2025.
— Edoardo Oliva (@EdoardoOliva1) August 2, 2022
I don't know why they label theme Red Bull Powertrains when they're Honda PUs.
Honda never left. It was a ruse by RB to get the engine regulations frozen
— (@Formula_HAM) August 2, 2022
Why everytime Honda say there leaving F1 they don’t
— Jamie (@jamiec7x) August 2, 2022
Honda never left. Red bull bullshitted their way to an engine freeze
— (@Formula_HAM) August 2, 2022
So RedBull lobbied for an engine freeze because Honda were leaving and they wanted time to catch up.
— MERC (@mercedesintern) August 2, 2022
Only for Honda to NOT leave at all?