F1 News

Soutien à Steiner après son départ de Haas : "Ça ne dépendait pas de lui"
- GPblog.com
Günther Steiner a dû quitter l'écurie Haas. Le chef d'équipe est jugé pour ses performances inférieures au cours des dernières saisons et est remplacé par Ayao Komatsu. En ligne, Steiner bénéficie en réalité d'un grand soutien. En effet, la plupart des gens s'accordent à dire que c'est la direction dirigée par Gene Haas qui est à blâmer et non le bien-aimé Steiner.
Says it all really... I doubt F1 will let him go that easily... https://t.co/xU3wwFzKsa
— Joe Saward (@joesaward) January 10, 2024
Always significant when the departing person is not quoted in the press release, tells you there’s friction, suspect we’ll hear more about this. The team hasn’t progressed in recent seasons, but hard to know exactly why without being on the inside. Good luck Guenther. And Haas https://t.co/dG2VeXiboG
— Martin Brundle (@MBrundleF1) January 10, 2024
Who other than Steiner could have endured so long treading water with his hands tied behind his back? The Haas philosophy worked a decade ago, but the sport changed and ownership decisions meant the team could not. Steiner’s perceived failure to my mind a result, not the cause.
— Will Buxton (@wbuxtonofficial) January 10, 2024
Breaking maar ook shocking: Guenter Steiner verlaat Haas als teambaas… zonde dat zo’n karakter verdwijnt. pic.twitter.com/JdqeDxdAF3
— Olav Mol®️ (@Olav_Mol) January 10, 2024
Underwhelming trend. But there was low hanging fruit in F1 when Haas entered with a unique but limited model. No longer. Haas needs an overhaul that Gene doesn’t want to fund. Steiner not a perfect team boss by any means but isn’t to blame for this record. It goes deeper. https://t.co/zof5xQnuAM
— Scott Mitchell-Malm (@SMitchellF1) January 10, 2024
"It was his team, but he didn't own it"
— Sky Sports F1 (@SkySportsF1) January 10, 2024
Why did Guenther Steiner leave Haas? pic.twitter.com/aquPbGpbV9