Championship to a climax: 'They don't even say each other's name anymore'

F1 News

17 November 2021 at 13:42
Last update 17 November 2021 at 16:03

Olav Mol, for years the regular Dutch commentator of the Formula 1 races, sees the championship going to an unprecedented climax in the last three races. According to him the protest of Mercedes is another example of this. The gloves are off.

Little chance for Mercedes

Although the stewards thought that no further measures were needed for the defensive actions of Max Verstappen, Mercedes went to the FIA with new camera footage. The team hopes this way to still provoke a penalty for the Dutchman. "I don't think Mercedes has much chance", Mol says in the TV programme HLF8. "I doubt that the FIA will declare the new evidence admissibly, but they can try. Every competitor has the right to protest."

According to Mol, something can only be changed if there is really new evidence. That Mercedes is now lodging a protest is actually the fault of the stewards themselves. "They actually made the mistake of saying that during the race they did not look at Max's onboard camera. Did Verstappen perhaps make a steering move that pushed Hamilton off or did they both slip off with understeer. That's the only chance Mercedes has."

Red Bull would have done the same

The reason Mercedes are trying anyway is clear to Mol. "The penalty on it would be five seconds. That would put him behind Valtteri Bottas in the results and three WC points are taken away from Verstappen." Should Verstappen indeed receive such a staff, Hamilton is only eight points behind in the world championship standings.

One thing is clear in any case, the teams are leaving nothing to chance anymore. "Red Bull would have done exactly the same", Mol thinks if the situation was reversed. Everything is being done to win both championships. "It's gloves off, anything goes. It's unheard of. They don't even pronounce each other's names anymore. At Red Bull they are now talking about 'those guys from Germany'."