F1 News

Coulthard called to account: 'You're not nice to Vettel'

21 October 2021 at 07:59
Last update 21 October 2021 at 11:50
  • GPblog.com

David Coulthard has been addressed by Sebastian Vettel's press officer after he spoke negatively about the German. However, Coulthard has no intention of changing his opinion of the four-time world champion.

Vettel entered Formula 1 like a rocket and in 2010 became the youngest world champion ever. With Red Bull Racing he would win three more world titles in the following years, but after his switch to Ferrari things went downhill. Coulthard also concluded that, but that was not appreciated by Britta Roeske.

Is Vettel still performing?

''Seb's stats from the beginning of his career are amazing with world championships he won on his own. However, Seb has looked different at Ferrari now also at Aston'', says Coulthard honestly in conversation with Kronen Zeitung. Because of this, however, an old acquaintance appealed to him.

''Britta (press officer of Sebastian Vettel) comes to me because I know her from Red Bull and says 'you are not nice about Sebastian'. But I then ask 'what do you see that I don't see?' I just say what I see. He was behind his teammate at Ferrari and is close to his teammate at Aston Martin. When he won races I thought 'this is a winning machine', but when he loses I often find it very disappointing'', the Scot concludes soberly.