These are the changes new Williams team boss Capito wants to make

F1 News

9 June 2021 at 17:02
Last update 9 June 2021 at 17:34

On Wednesday morning it was announced that Simon Roberts, Williams team boss, is leaving the team. Jost Capito, former McLaren team boss, has over 40 years of motorsport experience and is the new team boss. He already joined Williams in February.

The iconic Williams team finished the last three seasons in tenth place. In short: change is needed. In the analysis by Lawrence Barretto for F1 you can read what kind of changes Capito wants to make. Necessity is the reason he postponed retirement and took on the project. At the top of his list is a technical overhaul. "It quickly became clear that there was a major problem with the technical structure, with the track and plant engineering not aligned. They were reporting to different channels," the website reads.

New roles within Williams

"This was a result of Paddy Lowe relinquishing the role of Technical Director and the team chose not to fill this role under previous management. Instead, the team created the role of Managing Director, which Simon Roberts took on last June and was responsible for technical, operational and planning functions." Paddy Lowe left the Williams team in 2019.

Furthermore, the Racing Director role will be abolished, with the remaining functions split between Capito and a newly created Sporting Director role. It will be announced at the French Grand Prix who will be given the new Head of Race Engineering role. The team line-up is not a priority for Williams. It is important to work on other aspects first. The article stresses that Williams has parted ways with Roberts on good terms.