'Ferrari working on completely new engine for 2022, but taking a big risk'

F1 News

3 June 2021 at 08:05
Last update 3 June 2021 at 08:47
  • GPblog.com

Ferrari is facing an important decision. In 2022 it will bring a completely new car like every other team, but what will be done with the engine is not yet clear. Will Ferrari take a lot of risks, or will they go for reliability?

Ferrari looks to 2022

In 2022, Formula 1 teams will all have to make a completely new car according to the new technical regulations. Ferrari have already indicated that they are fully focused on 2022, and will not be bringing anything beyond planned updates in 2021. This also applies to the engine, because according to Motorsport.it Ferrari is also working on an ambitious project there.

While the technical regulations change completely, it's the other way around when it comes to the engine. The engine that the teams choose prior to 2022 will remain the same for three seasons due to a development freeze. This makes it a lot harder for Ferrari to close the gap with Honda and Mercedes.

Superfast engine

There are two options for Ferrari. The first is to continue developing the current engine concept. This engine is reliable but a lot slower than the competition. However, the big problem seems to be that this model is running out of steam. Where Honda and Mercedes have already switched to a model with a split turbine and compressor. This design offers extreme advantages when it comes to aerodynamics.

So this is option two for Ferrari: To design a completely new engine. Wolf Zimmermann, a German engineer, has been made responsible for this model which is known as the 'Superfast'. However, Ferrari is currently working on two projects. The further development of the current engine, and the new engine.

An impossible choice for Ferrari

There is a huge risk lurking. If Ferrari chooses the new engine in 2022 and it turns out not to be reliable, then the title can be forgotten for the next three years. On the other hand, Ferrari needs that step up in performance to really attack Mercedes and Red Bull Racing.

A decision was previously postponed until June by Ferrari to choose between one of these two routes. According to Motorsport.it, the choice has not yet been finalised. In the coming weeks, Ferrari's future will be determined, and the question is what will prove to be the right choice.