F1 News

Williams has focus on 2022 and remains secretive about tokens spent

15 May 2021 at 13:21
Last update 15 May 2021 at 15:01
  • GPblog.com

All F1 teams this year will already be looking at 2022 far more than usual. Williams is no exception. Williams CEO Jost Capito doesn't attach much importance to this year's results and performances.

Capito looks to 2022

Many teams in the middle of the field are already looking ahead to 2022. So is Williams. When in an interview with Auto, Motor und Sport Williams about their performance this year, he looks to the future.

"The tokens were awarded without taking aerodynamics into account, so relatively little could be done. This year's results are actually irrelevant. You have to make sure that the team as a whole moves forward. You can't solve that in the results. That would certainly not motivate us, because there are simply no steps to be expected." Still, Capito is certainly pleased with the progress made so far this year.

"I can already see results in motivation and in the way of working. Eleventh place in qualifying at Portimao was excellent. George just missed out on Q3. One has to acknowledge that for sure. It's an effort and a huge step forward compared to having two cars in Q2 last year. Before that, it wasn't bad in Imola either. Unfortunately, the car's weaknesses play a part in the race. They are well known. Therefore, it would be wrong to determine how we move forward with the team based on the results alone."

Williams remains secretive about tokens spent

Because that's not something Williams has been willing to say much about. Neither has Capito."We don't want to say that. We only took one. We would have needed two for another change in the aerodynamics," says the CEO of the British racing team, insinuating that in any case it was not the aerodynamics.