Norris thinks McLaren could have used its tokens differently: "Not ideal"

F1 News

20 March 2021 at 16:52
Last update 20 March 2021 at 18:04

McLaren will run with Mercedes engines again from this year, something which could give them a big advantage, provided the engine is well integrated into the chassis. Lando Norris doesn't think it will make much of a difference though.

McLaren spent all their tokens on Mercedes engine

Norris even feels McLaren could have used their tokens for something else. "I know a lot of people expect a big difference, but I don't notice much of it. We used all our tokens to put the Mercedes engine in, so in that respect it wasn't an ideal solution," Norris told Sky Sports.

He continued: "For example, I didn't know that the floor, which everyone is talking about, was so special. Everyone was saying how innovative it was and so different to other teams. Throughout the year we will try to change and improve it even more. 

"At the same time, the car is very similar to last year's, so that's good. We have made some progress, which will hopefully make us a bit more competitive. But I'm sure everyone else has improved as well," Norris concluded.