Formula 1 contacted Porsche to ask their opinion about regulations

F1 News

19 March 2021 at 19:33
Last update 19 March 2021 at 19:33

The teams have recently decided that they want to bring forward a new engine regulation by one year, from 2026 to 2025. This also means that they have to hurry up with the design of these regulations. By comparison, the first plans for the 2014 hybrid engines were made back in 2009.

One of the wishes of Formula 1 is of course that the new regulations will attract as many manufacturers as possible. Ferrari will almost certainly always participate, but outside Formula 1 it is a different story. And so recently there have been talks with Porsche, a manufacturer that has been rumoured for some time to want to join F1.

Porsche, Audi or what else?

Oliver Blume, CEO of Porsche says according to the Badische Zeitung on Friday that Formula 1 recently inquired with him what position his company takes when it comes to the new regulations of 2025. This will not only have asked whether they are at all interested in a return to Formula 1, but also under what conditions.

Blume explains that within the Volkswagen Group they are now looking at whether Formula 1 is attractive for them. Besides Porsche he explicitly mentions Audi, but doesn't go into details. Before Red Bull started working with Honda, it was frequently associated with Porsche. After the departure of the Japanese this would be a logical step.