Red Bull Racing: 'We managed to stick to both targets'

F1 News

12 March 2021 at 17:38
Last update 12 March 2021 at 20:32

Red Bull Racing haven't had the best reputation in recent years when it comes to a flawless start at the winter tests. The 2021 season, on the other hand, is off to a great start. Max Verstappen was not only the fastest on the first test day but also drove the most laps. The team can be satisfied with that.

"Today went well", said race engineer Guillaume Rocquelin. "The conditions were pretty difficult and very windy, especially in the morning. It calmed down a bit in the afternoon but a lot of dust had been kicked up and it was very hazy and quite difficult to run in."

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"In terms of objectives, we’re really pleased, as we had a target in terms of the number of laps we wanted to get through and a fairly busy run plan and we were able to stick to both. Lap time is not what it’s about at this stage and I don’t think Max will be getting too pumped up about being at the top of the timesheet on day one."

Teammate Sergio Perez will have been delighted to watch Verstappen make do in the RB16B. Tomorrow he will step into his new car for the first time. "For Sergio tomorrow, the conditions should hopefully be a little better. It’s not supposed to be quite as hazy, but the wind is likely to still be quite strong. The plan will be pretty much the same for Checo, so fingers crossed we’re looking forward to another good day."