F1 News

Grosjean: 'I will always be grateful to Jules Bianchi for that'

21 February 2021 at 14:48
Last update 21 February 2021 at 17:10
  • GPblog.com

Yesterday an animation of Romain Grosjean's crash was released, simulating how the accident happened. The footage shows Grosjean narrowly missing the crash barrier with his helmet, and the halo saved his life.

In the Canal+ documentary Grosjean talks about the accident. He got off reasonably lightly thanks to the halo, which pushed apart the barrier and prevented him from hitting it with his head.

Grosjean thanks Jules Bianchi

In the documentary, Grosjean refers to Jules Bianchi, whose fatal accident ultimately led to the introduction of the halo. "Jules Bianchi saved my life, thanks to the halo. And I was absolutely against its introduction - what an idiot I was! Jules saved my life and the lives of other drivers, and I will always be grateful to him for that."