F1 News

Formula 1 calendar 2021: These Grands Prix may still be cancelled

17 January 2021 at 07:30
Last update 17 January 2021 at 10:48
  • GPblog.com

Many had hoped that the coronavirus would only cause problems in 2020, but COVID-19 has already made its mark in 2021. There are still some races that are also still uncertain on the new F1 calendar.

After a compact but very full on Formula 1 season in 2020, we were all set for a return to a more traditional season in 2021. The Australian Grand Prix has been delayed until November whilst it looks highly possible that the Chinese Grand Prix won't take place at all.

Although vaccinations have started, there is still a chance these races could be scrapped or postponed.

Spanish Grand Prix

Last season the Spanish GP was cancelled and that could certainly be the case this year. In January, the number of infections is rising again at a rapid pace and is now far above the record set last year. If the coronavirus figures continue at this rate, then a cancellation of the race in Catalonia seems a certainty.

Monaco Grand Prix

As a microstate, Monaco obviously does not have to deal with many coronavirus infections in terms of absolute numbers, but things can quickly go the wrong way in the small country. That is exactly why the race in Monaco was cancelled last year and may be again this year, with increases in neighbouring countries and the city itself.

British Grand Prix

The country where the coronavirus is currently extremely rampant is of course Britain. In London, the hospitals are almost full and if the government does not get the virus under control soon, the numbers will increase exponentially. Vaccinations are being distributed at a relatively high rate, but it remains to be seen if that will be enough for the start of the British GP.

Belgian Grand Prix

Belgium seems to have the coronavirus pretty well under control now thanks to the lockdown in the country. Without extreme measures, the numbers could rise again quickly and in Belgium vaccinating the population also seems to be going extremely slowly. A race in is August seems quite far away, but it remains to be seen whether the problems surrounding the coronavirus will have been solved by then.

Grand Prix of the Netherlands

The situation in Belgium is similar to that in the Netherlands. It does not look like there will be any sporting events with an audience any time soon and, if we can believe the words of the organisers last year, that is one of the requirements. So it could happen that we have no GP in the Netherlands again this year or it could possibly take place at a later date.

Japanese Grand Prix

If there is one thing we know about Japan with regard to the coronavirus, it is that the country is cautious. Extremely cautious. Yet even there the British variant of the coronavirus has surfaced and the numbers are already rising. We can therefore see the government taking the safe option and cancelling the Japanese GP, especially since 80% of the population is also against the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

United States Grand Prix

Like Great Britain, we cannot ignore the United States when it comes to dramatic figures. Thousands die every day in the country and the only reason why the race has not yet been cancelled is because it is scheduled for late in the year. We just don't know yet when much of the country will be vaccinated and of course whether that will bring the coronavirus to its knees.

Brazilian Grand Prix

The situation in Brazil is similar to that in the United States. The only positive thing to say about the coronavirus is that the numbers are consistent, but in this case they are consistently high. Every day there are tens of thousands more infections and hundreds more deaths, and Bolsonaro's government is doing very little about it. While we would love to see the Brazilian GP held again, we certainly take into account that the race could end up on the chopping block.