
Grosjean shares progression of injuries: 'Can't bend thumb further than this'

30 December 2020 at 17:52
Last update 30 December 2020 at 20:21

This week it was exactly one month since Romain escaped death on the Bahrain circuit. However, his injuries prevented the Frenchman from entering the last two GPs. A few weeks later, he still has not fully recovered.

Given the circumstances, Grosjean is, of course, doing fantastically well. He only had some burns on his hands from the crash. The recovery of those wounds is going well. His right hand is actually back to normal. Only the left hand still causes some problems.

Grosjean can exercise again

He has already got behind the wheel of his simulator at home and during a Twitch stream he explained to the viewers what exactly is wrong with his left hand. "The biggest problem is my thumb. I can't bend it any further than this," says Grosjean after which he shows his 'handicap'.

The day before, he also announced on Twitter that he is going to the gym again and is able to play tennis. So if he wants to, he should be able to get into a racing car again next year, even though it probably won't be in Formula 1.