Former F1-engineer gives insight into cooperation with Perez

F1 News

28 December 2020 at 17:52
Last update 28 December 2020 at 19:53

Sergio Perez has not yet driven a race for the Red Bull team, but there is already a lot of speculation about his role within the team and the possible successes of his signing. Ernest Knoors, a former F1 engineer team boss, now also talks about his collaboration with Perez when both worked for the Sauber team. 

"I know Sergio, because I worked with him when it was still called Sauber, with the Ferrari engines," Knoors begins. About his collaborations with Perez, he remembers the following: "He is really good on Sundays, but technically, in terms of feedback, I wouldn't count him among the best.”

Knoors continues his explanation, this in his conversation with RTL GP: "He is a pure racer, he really can race. But he is also someone who brings his own opinion, his own personality into a team. And that puts things a bit on edge. If the team management can deal with this, then it's a good thing, but what you have to prevent is that it will have a negative outcome, meaning  that engineers will screen data, not consult with each other. That can quickly degenerate into a very negative atmosphere, and you have to prevent that from happening.”

It's been nine years since Knoors worked with Perez at Sauber, back when the Mexican was in the early stages of his career.