Schumacher careful and diplomatic in response to Mazepin scandal

F1 News

20 December 2020 at 13:48
Last update 20 December 2020 at 15:28

Since the breaking of the scandal surrounding Formula 1 debutant Nikita Mazepin, a dark storm has been hanging over Haas, with pressure to punish Mazepin for his behaviour but at the same time keeping the team's big sponsor, Dimitri Mazepin, happy. Future teammate and co-debutant Mick Schumacher doesn't want to touch the controversy surrounding Mazepin with a stick. 

In an interview with Schumacher explains that he wants to stay as far away as possible from the Mazepin affair, and shines a light on Mazepin's behaviour when they were both junior drivers. Schumacher explains that the two teammates were in 2013 and 2014, and says: "That's when I met him. He was very nice, and there was a healthy respect between us as teammates.”

Schumacher continues his story: "Since 2014 I have lost sight of him a bit. We have of course changed since then." 

It is for this reason, then, that Schumacher does not feel comfortable saying anything about Mazepin’s character currently.

Up to the team

"I am sure that the team will take care of everything else," says Schumacher, again very diplomatically. “This is nothing that concerns me. I concentrate on myself and try to be the best I can Bringing in results and working as closely as possible with the team."