Vettel says goodbye: 'I'm going to miss this at Ferrari'

F1 News

11 November 2020 at 19:57
Last update 11 November 2020 at 21:57

It is his sixth and final season at Ferrari. Sebastian Vettel would undoubtedly have hoped for more. Sitting in 14th place in the championship, he equals his worst classification ever which came in his debut year with Toro Rosso.

Six years of Ferrari

Twice second in the championship, 14 victories, 11 pole positions and 14 fastest laps. Many drivers will be happy with such a CV, but Vettel will probably leave the Italian team with a sour aftertaste.

Still, not everything is bad about his time at Ferrari. "I will miss the people, the spirit, the idea, the legend of Ferrari", said the German at "If you are part of it, you get to know the people and get a look behind the scenes. Well, I'm going to miss those people."

Transfer to Aston Martin

In 2021 Vettel switches to Aston Martin, now known as Racing Point. "2021 will, of course, be largely the same as this year in terms of cars, but it will be a great challenge. From January I will be joining this project and I will make sure I understand everything there is to understand before we start driving, testing and racing".