Carey: 'Honda exit is a financial call'

F1 News

5 November 2020 at 17:54
Last update 5 November 2020 at 19:55

Honda's departure as an engine supplier had two primary reasons, explains Formula 1 CEO Chase Carey at The most important of these was financial.

“The auto industry in general is having some challenges, and I think Honda clearly is living and struggling with those challenges. So I think that was the core issue”, Carey argues. “I think Honda felt those pressures existed today, and they had to make some decisions.”

As a second reason, Carey mentions the company's desire to take steps to focus on CO2 neutrality and acting in a more climate-friendly way. This is also what Honda has emphasized as an important reason for leaving F1.

Next generation engine due in 2026

Carey is not worried that Honda’s exit will cause a shortage of engine suppliers in the future, especially considering the next generation engine that is set to be introduced in 2026."I think as we continue to flush out and put more information out there about our next generation engine and sustainability goals we're actually getting increasing support and interest from both existing partners and potential new partners about the importance of that to their future.”