'Honda made the importance of Ferrari's right of veto very clear on Friday'

F1 News

4 October 2020 at 07:49
Last update 4 October 2020 at 10:59
  • GPblog.com

Ferrari still retains its right of veto, but this has not always seemed to be a privilege. For years, other teams have been trying to remove this veto from the Scuderia. This happened again during the negotiations of the last Concorde Agreement, but in vain.

Departure of Honda

There is no team with a right of veto except Ferrari. The big question of Formula 1 fans and teams is therefore often the same: why are Ferrari still considered a different reality from the rest of the teams?

There are many reasons according to the Italian branch of Motorsport.com. The most important reason became clear on Friday, when Honda left Formula 1. About ten years ago, BMW, Honda and Toyota all three left the royal class of motorsport. The three brands did benefit a lot from their time in Formula 1. For them, F1 is a challenge, a technical and marketing action, but can be stopped at any time.

Ferrari is not like other teams

The situation is different at Ferrari. Ferrari started with Formula 1 and financed this through the mass production of street cars. Despite threats, the Scuderia never turned its back on Formula 1. F1 is not one of the many branches of Ferrari, but perhaps the most important element. When Bernie Ecclestone granted the right of veto to Enzo Ferrari in the 1980s, he had this in mind. Ferrari is a company that F1 can count on and that has huge value for those who manage this sport.