Possible way out for Red Bull: 'Mateschitz supposedly doesn't like Mercedes'

F1 News

2 October 2020 at 22:38
  • GPblog.com

Red Bull Racing has to look for a new engine supplier before 2022, that much seems to have become clear this Friday after the announced departure of Honda. At least that is now being accepted by most followers.

Red Bull will have to make a deal with one of the remaining engine suppliers or look for a new manufacturer. Since there is unlikely to be a manufacturer crazy enough to develop a hybrid F1 engine at the moment, Red Bull will have to rely on Mercedes, Ferrari or Renault.

Regulations help Red Bull Racing

In theory, however, there is a third possibility and that is that Red Bull Racing, perhaps with the help of a third party, will take over Honda's engines. These would then be used under a different name, as was the case with the Renault engines before.

This time, however, Red Bull and that possible partner would have to do the further development of the engine themselves. This is helped by the freezing of the engine regulations, which greatly reduces the possibility of development and thus also reduces costs.

Although it would be an enormously risky undertaking, commentator Olav Mol does not rule it out either, partly because of Dieter Mateschitz's possible motives. Honda has also indicated that it will do everything in its power for their last season. In theory, Red Bull Racing would then be able to continue with a good basis.