Racing Point is now copying from Williams: new floor seems to be copied

F1 News

11 September 2020 at 19:37
Last update 12 September 2020 at 00:05

Racing Point are driving this weekend with a renewed floor on the car. According to technicians, this floor has not been copied from Mercedes, but from Williams.

According to the Italian version of the website of, Racing Point has once again copied a part of another car. After several teams filed an indictment against the brake ducts, which the team would have taken over from Mercedes, it now seems that the floor of the Williams car has been recreated.

Rear side narrows

Andy Green, technical director of the team based at Silverstone, now followed not the Mercedes that inspired the RP20, but an improvement on the Williams. They managed to narrow the rear.

This novelty improves the airflow at the sides with a more efficient extraction of hot air from the cooling system. It also reduces resistance on the straight.