F1 News

The FIA does not want new copies: 'In Formula 1, you have to design your own car'

25 August 2020 at 07:24
  • GPblog.com

Racing Point has caused a lot of commotion with their copy of the Mercedes. Which way does Formula 1 want to go? Can this copying be done more often in the future or do teams have to continue to design their own car? Jean Todt explains.

During the Formula 1 season in 2020, it has become increasingly clear that Racing Point has copied the 2019 Mercedes. Not only from photographs, but also from data made available by Mercedes. This must not happen in the future and the FIA and Formula 1 are working on a solution for the future.

FIA wants to prohibit copying

''We want to address the concerns of some teams about Formula 1 copying. F1 is all about each team being a manufacturer and being responsible for the design of the car. If we need to be a little more precise in the wording, we will do so'', said the President of the FIA to Motorsport-total.com.

Racing Point already has a fine in its pocket, but with current investigations the team may be even more overlooked. F1 is also working on a solution for the future. ''We are currently working on that and hopefully the teams will be satisfied with the new rules. We'll see what happens'', concludes Todt, who can't give any further details about the current investigation.