Verstappen took charge of strategy: "He just feels that very well"

F1 News

18 August 2020 at 18:00

The on-board radio between Max Verstappen and his Red Bull Racing racing engineer during the GP of Spain was a big deal. Verstappen wanted to go in for a new set of tyres, but the strategists on the pit wall left the Dutchman on the track. Verstappen then forced a pit stop.

Getting out of the car feels perfect

In the podcast GrandPrix Radio the question was asked if the team should have listened to Verstappen when he asked for fresh rubber. Raceteam-boss Frans Verschuur thinks so: "Yes, in principle yes. He himself feels that perfectly. It's nice to look from the side, but he definitely has the talent to feel it and pass it on. That goes a lot better than at Ferrari."

According to Verschuur, it is not the case that there is more to be seen on the data monitors and that the data weighs more than what the driver feels. When asked, he says: "On data you don't feel what a car does exactly and Verstappen just does it right himself. He is one of the best in tyre management."

Bleekemolen sees strategic vision of Verstappen

"I agree," adds Michael Bleekemolen. "The strategy was not only about the tyres but also about his position on the track. He easily understood where everyone was because he was in an easy position; not somewhere in midfield where you don't know what's going on".

"He was raised very well by karting. That's where you learn how to handle your straps", the Dutch driver concludes.