F1 News

Harsh words from Schumacher to Ferrari: "They can't even communicate properly"

17 August 2020 at 23:34
Last update 17 August 2020 at 23:34
  • GPblog.com

A lot has been said and written about the communication between Sebastian Vettel and his engineer on the pit wall. Vettel's audible frustration only sketched a small fragment of a larger discussion. However, it's business as usual insisted the driver and the team, but nevertheless, former F1-driver Ralf Schumacher reacts to it with strong words.

Miscommunication at Ferrari

The brother of seven-time world champion Michael Schumacher says there was little to understand from the communication between Vettel and his engineer Riccardo Adami. He asked Vettel to push first and then to ask if he would make it with the tyres until the end. 

Nevertheless, it's due to complete miscommunication, at least that's what Schumacher thinks. Speaking to Bild he said: "He didn't understand at all what Sebastian wanted, not even in the end. Either because he speaks little English or because Seb should have learned Italian."

Still, it is not entirely justified to criticise Adami, because he is simply a conduit for the strategy. That's how the strategic details come from Inaki Rueda. But according to Schumacher, that doesn't matter. "Sorry, Ferrari, that's not possible. A team fighting for the championship that can't even communicate well."