Ferrari, McLaren and Renault want to appeal against Racing Point

Breaking News

7 August 2020 at 20:42
Last update 8 August 2020 at 07:47

Racing Point were told today that they're being punished by the FIA. Three teams have now officially informed the FIA that they do not agree with this penalty. In addition to Renault and McLaren, Ferrari has also announced that they disagree with the penalty imposed by the FIA Racing Point and the Scuderia may want to appeal.

Penalty Racing Point

Racing Point was accused of copying the brake ducts of the Mercedes 2019 car. For this, the team from Silverstone received a penalty of 15 World Championship points and 400,000 euros fine. Despite the fact that the team has been found guilty and that they have received a penalty, the team is allowed to finish the season with those brake ducts from the FIA.

Teams in appeal

Renault initially registered the protest and probably wants to appeal again itself. Ferrari is now also involved and wants to start its own procedure according to "We can confirm that we have just stated our intention to appeal against this morning's FIA Stewards' decision regarding Racing Point", said a Ferrari spokesman.

The teams now have 96 hours to explain why they think that punishment is too lenient and to make an official protest. Normally the teams get 48 hours for this, but due to the complexity of the case, the period has been increased.