Mercedes critical of rival teams: "So I guess it’s about manning up"


7 August 2020 at 19:00
Last update 7 August 2020 at 19:11

Mercedes already indicated on Friday that they do not intend to sign the new Concorde Agreement. The deadline for this is next week, but the German race team believe that they will be the biggest victim of the agreements as they are now. Toto Wolff also denounces how rival teams are behaving in the negotiations.

According to Wolff, Mercedes is not the only team that is not yet satisfied with the current draft version. “Most of the teams, if not 90%, are of the opinion that it needs cleaning up, that there are clauses that are critical that needs to be discussed around governance and certain commercial aspects but we are not really able to engage", says the Austrian.

It is remarkable that some teams hint in the media that they are ready to sign the Concorde Agreement, but behind the scenes, this seems a lot more complicated. "Some of these guys when they come on camera they are up the arse of the commercial rights holder."

In the meetings between Liberty Media and the Formula 1 teams, Wolff hears different sounds. "Then when we have them in the meeting they are revved up and they are the loudest. So I guess it’s about manning up and expressing your opinion," advises Mercedes, who is not happy with the fickleness of the competition. Names of teams are not mentioned by Wolff.