This week: More clarity about protest against Racing Point expected

F1 News

2 August 2020 at 10:36
Last update 2 August 2020 at 12:02

Between the two Grands Prix held at Silverstone, the FIA will come to a final decision on the legality of the Racing Point RP20. Renault have already protested several times against the legality of the RP20.

Protest of Renault knows that new details about the case are expected next week. The matter will be resolved semi-virtually.

Renault has so far protested twice against the legality of the Racing Point. The French racing team believes Racing Point have copied the 2019 Mercedes from more than just photos. In particular, the inside of the brake ducts. There will be a third protest after the British GP.

Racing Point not afraid

All three protests will be merged and worked out at once. It will mainly be about the brakes of Racing Point. The technical director of Racing Point, Andrew Green, has already announced that the team is not afraid that the car will be declared illegal.