F1 News

British police warn F1 fans once again not to come to Silverstone

27 July 2020 at 18:26
  • GPblog.com

Earlier this year, the police already announced that they were taking a strict stance against people coming to Silverstone because of the Grand Prix. It is not allowed to travel there, this to prevent the spread of corona. Now that the Grands Prix is approaching quickly, the police repeats the earlier message.

Closed to the public

The situation regarding the corona pandemic is different from a few months ago. As a result, spectators are allowed back in at some sports events. However, Formula 1 remains closed to the public, so travelling to Silverstone makes no sense. All personnel on and around the track are extensively tested, so there is some kind of safety guarantee. This cannot be given to visitors, so the first point of view is maintained.

"I want to reinforce our previous messages – there will be an exclusion zone around the circuit and F1 fans must not travel to it but should instead join the millions watching the races on TV," said Dennis Murray, Chief Inspector, quoted by Motorsportweek.com.

"My officers will be out and about to target anybody intent on committing crime and there will be teams of officers tightly controlling the area. It will not be possible to watch the race from the perimeter fences and anybody attempting to do so will be removed. Neither will it be possible to park near the circuit. All laybys will be ‘clear ways’ and any cars left unattended will be towed away."

There is also a restriction on the use of drones during the entire Grand Prix season.