F1 News

Horner anything but satisfied: "we have got something misbehaving aerodynamically"

24 July 2020 at 21:05
  • GPblog.com

That the RB16 of Red Bull is not running well this season, became clear during the previous GP of Hungary last weekend. Despite Max Verstappen's second place, Red Bull was significantly weaker than its rival Mercedes in both qualifying and the race.

And that while everyone expected Red Bull to be closer to the defending world champion Mercedes. Red Bull even thought it had had the best winter so far. That statement should take back team boss Christian Horner with a lot of disappointment: "We have got something misbehaving aerodynamically, and now we have to understand that part and work on it", says the Briton to crash.net.

Despite errors, positivity is alive

Despite all the negativity surrounding Red Bull's car, Christian Horner sees the situation more positively: "Sometimes the car doesn't behave as expected. We have collected important data this weekend (in Hungary), so we will work hard to solve the problems as soon as possible".