
FIA: "We want to have made a decision about Racing Point before Silverstone"

17 July 2020 at 18:05
Last update 17 July 2020 at 18:14

After the second Grand Prix of the 2020 season, Renault announced it was protesting against the car of Racing Point. The team would have copied parts from Mercedes, according to the French team. Since last Sunday, the protest has been with the FIA, which itself now announces that they expect to have made a decision for the races at Silverstone.

Nikolas Tombazis, the leader of the technical department surrounding the FIA single-seaters, informs that if an appeal is lodged against the ruling of the protest, it may even take until the end of August to reach a final verdict. "I expect the stewards to meet probably for Silverstone week, but this depends on all factors," Tombazis said.

Objections may take up to the end of August

"For example, Racing Point has to hand in their statements and the FIA has to have everything ready. It is likely that one week before the first race at Silverstone a statement has been made. Under normal circumstances, the stewards would let us know even after a few hours or the next day".

Yet Tombazis doesn't expect it to stay there. "Teams have the right to object, four days to be exact. Then there should be many more parties involved and it can take until the week after the Spanish Grand Prix. So it can take until the end of August before there is a final decision, if the teams decide to object", Tombazis concludes.