Horner comes up with remarkable statement: "Potential blister on band Albon"


14 July 2020 at 19:33
Last update 14 July 2020 at 19:59
  • GPblog.com

In his column on the Red Bull website, team boss Horner discussed the results of the Steiermark Grand Prix. The team boss is satisfied with Max Verstappen and comes with an explanation for the poor speed of Alexander Albon during the race on Sunday. In addition, the Brit does not like the bad memory of some followers.

Verstappen third

The team boss first comments on Saturday's qualification: "It was good to be back on the podium, especially after the first weekend in Austria. It was nice to see how Verstappen competed for pole in qualifying and it gave us new useful information about the car in the rain".

"On Sunday Max took everything out of the car. He did what he does best: fight to the bitter end. Unfortunately Bottas had a tyre advantage at the end compared to us. With our strategy we tried to keep the P2". Horner repeats that he doesn't regret the strategy and Verstappen fully understood it. During the race the Dutchman wondered if it was the right strategy.

Horner hates opinions about Albon

Horner is outspoken about the way Albon has been criticized after the match. The Thai was in some parts of the race one second per lap slower than the Dutchman and ended at a distance from Verstappen, who even made a pit stop more.

Horner criticizes the short memory of some journalists: "After the race I got a lot of questions about Albon's race speed but let's not forget that he drove a strong weekend a week earlier, where he competed for the victory and started the fight with Hamilton. It just shows how short the memory of some people is in Formula 1, who quickly forget things".

Then the team boss goes into the reason for Albon's poor speed at the beginning of the race, although that doesn't sound very convincing: "During the first stint we were worried about a potential blister on Albon's front tyre which forced us to control his speed until the first pit stop". According to Horner this was the reason that Albon's speed was a lot lower than the cars in front of him although the blister was not yet visible.