New gearbox for Verstappen to prevent problems in GP Steiermark


10 July 2020 at 19:09

The Red Bull Racing team is taking the safe side. Max Verstappen's car will be fitted with a new gearbox for the upcoming Grand Prix in Spielberg.

The first Austrian Grand Prix was a dissapointment for Max Verstappen. The Dutchman had to give up the race after eleven laps, after his car had to deal with technical problems. He saw a good chance of victory disappear in front of his eyes.

To avoid the same problem in the Red Bull Racing team this week, they worked hard in collaboration with Honda. The problems seem to have been solved, but to make sure the Dutchman doesn't have to give up again, the RB16 of Verstappen will be fitted with a new gearbox. This will not penalise the driver. Because he dropped out of the previous Grand Prix, he is allowed to install a new gearbox in his car without consequences.

More new parts

Verstappen is not the only driver to get a new gearbox from his team. Daniil Kvyat will also start the race with new parts, as will Lance Stroll from Racing Point. Just like Verstappen, both drivers had to park their cars in the garage early during the Austrian Grand Prix.