
Formula 1 hopes to publish remaining calendar within a few weeks

2 July 2020 at 19:22
Last update 2 July 2020 at 19:22

With the start of the season this weekend the question is of course how many races we can expect in the end this year. Formula 1 aims for a minimum of fifteen races and according to Chase Carey of Liberty Media that goal is certainly achievable. In fact, he is hoping for as many as eighteen races. Within a few weeks at least we want to ensure clarity by announcing the remaining calendar.

Coming weeks

"I think in the next few weeks we will look to land, certainly at least another chunk of the calendar, ideally we’d like to land the whole second half of the calendar", says Carey on the F1 website. The American also states that there are already a couple of races for sure, but that he wants to approach it as a whole rather than separately.

"There are a number of races we already know will be on the calendar. I don’t want to get into piecemeal addressing it, I’d like to address it holistically. But to lock the dates in we really need to figure out what other races will be on it." That suggests a bit that the 'fixed' races can still slide if necessary and that explains again why Carey is still a bit reluctant.

Clear goal

The purpose of Formula 1 has not changed. Still fifteen to eighteen races and one sees it as an achievable goal. "We’ve said 15-18 races and we still feel comfortable with that as a target. Right now we have a number of races we have essentially agreed with, we just haven’t firmed the date up."

"And a number of places we are moving forward with, trying to firm a date up. We have a few that are much more up in the air based in circumstances in that country." Carey hereby acknowledges that the most uncertain races are those in North and South America.