F1 News

"Now he's being condemned by everyone because he couldn't do any more''

30 June 2020 at 07:37
  • GPblog.com

All eyes in Austria are on Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen, but there are also other candidates. Valterri Bottas and Sebastian Vettel already seem to be written off for the season, but is that right?

Bottas 3.0?

''You really shouldn't underestimate Bottas. It's a little cliché, but with the contract expiring, he'll have to prove himself again. If Hamilton has bad luck and breaks down twice, then Mercedes might throw it over another bow'', says Kees van de Grint at Slipstream of RTL GP. Presenter Allard Kalff agrees.

''Last year he had a very strong start, so if he can do that again this year Hamilton will have to make up for it with fewer races. People asked me this week and I really do see a first row on the grid with Bottas and Max Verstappen'', says the host.

Vettel a contender

Another snow-covered driver is Vettel. The German will leave his beloved Ferrari at the end of 2020, but without pressure Vettel can also surprise. ''He may not be as sharp as he used to be, but if that Ferrari is a bit close to Red Bull and Mercedes, you don't have to write him off yet'', says Van de Grint.

''It's only been two years since Vettel was at the top of the championship and suddenly threw it away because of his mistake in Hockenheim, among other things. But now we're two years down the line and he's condemned as if he can't do anything anymore and that's not true'', concludes Kalff, who gives Vettel good chances.